Disruptive Workplaces(en) Create Your Sustainable & Future Proof Workenvironment Author: Tom Ryckaert Paperback 2024 208 Disruptive Workplaces offers a fresh perspective on facility management (FM) and workplace design, adapted to the rapid changes of[...] Prijs:€ 34,99 In winkelmandje
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Reward(en) Attracting and retaining key talent with compelling reward Author: Axel Smits Bart Van den Bussche Paperback 2024 222 "In today's competitive and inflationary environment, many organisations are focused on containing costs, yet they also realise that[...] Prijs:€ 34,99 In winkelmandje
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Operating With Positive Impact(en) How to navigate ESG complexity Author: Axel Smits Jochen Vincke Paperback 2023 214 We move from crisis to crisis, our climate is changing, and growing civil unrest could lead to violence or even civil wars. We need a[...] Prijs:€ 34,99 In winkelmandje
Why now? ENG(en) Author: Michael Humblet Paperback 2023 208 Verkoop is ingrijpend veranderd in de laatste jaren. Maar zijn je verkopers dat ook? Hoe is het gesteld met je verkoopstechnieken? Naast[...] Prijs:€ 34,99 In winkelmandje
Humanizing strategy(en) How to Master Emotions, Values and Beliefs When You Execute Plans Author: Geert Vercaeren Hardback 2021 287 Strategie-uitvoering is complex. Drie van de vier organisaties slagen er niet in hun strategieën uit te voeren, ondanks adviesbureaus, een[...] Prijs:€ 29,99 In winkelmandje
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Dare to jump(en) Everything you want is on the other side of fear Author: Cedric Dumont Hardback 2020 128 Empower success in disruptive times Set your priorities Create resilience, embrace change Accept your fear Use[...] Prijs:€ 29,99 In winkelmandje
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10 Quintessential Questions(en) Insights from authentic and passionate leaders around the world Author: Suyin Aerts Hardback 2024 336 A good question is one that takes into account who you’re asking and the situation you're in. We need to ask ourselves the right[...] Prijs:€ 34,99 In winkelmandje
Generation ZAlpha(en) Connecting with the Next Micro-Generation Author: Maarten Leyts Paperback 2023 232 Generatiedenken vormt, bij juist gebruik, een solide raamwerk voor succesvolle marketing- en productinnovatie. Generation ZAlpha, zoals[...] Prijs:€ 34,99 In winkelmandje
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Go with your talent(en) Author: Luk Dewulf Paperback 2012 139 We all have talents, but we don't always know what they are. As a result, talent is sometimes a difficult concept to grasp - but one that we need[...] Prijs:€ 29,99 In winkelmandje
A diamond in the rough(en) Over a 100 specific tips to build a strong customer culture Author: Steven Van Belleghem Paperback 2023 276 Straal optimisme, positiviteit en energie uit. Wees loyaal aan je klanten (en zij zullen loyaal zijn aan jou). Vergeet[...] Prijs:€ 34,99 In winkelmandje
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The Agile Leader's Scrapbook(en) Author: Herman Van den Broeck Barney Jordaan Paperback 2018 168 The demand for organisations to become more agile has never been greater than in today's fast-moving economy. This book puts forward a[...] Prijs:€ 29,99 In winkelmandje